
See what clients have said...

Renee A. Shepherd

Insightful, challenging, and life changing is how I describe the 15 Laws of Growth MMG led by Vera. As she brings her authentic enthusiasm to each session, I find myself having deep discussions where I not only learn more about me and areas for my growth, but also strengthens my relationships with others I share this journey with...Bravo Vera!

Dan McConnell

I had been struggling with moving my self-coaching from plan to action. Since I've been working with Vera, planning has jumped past action and well into doing. Not only that, it has been an enjoyable process!

Stephanie Hawkins

What are people thinking about how your amazing John Maxwell training class leaves us feeling? Let’s start out with INSPIRED and appreciative of all that you “give” during a class. Pretty awesome to have today’s class start out with you individually ‘cheering’ us on! The class ended with people defining themselves as: “Hopeful”, “Motivated”, “Convictions”... Truly thankful for your caring, energy, and style... Vicar Vera McEwen PS. I started the day “meh”. After your class... I was cheering on my teammates! Appreciate you.